Passing gass in public is embarrassing. If it's quiet then say nothing. If you are in a small group and it's loud then excuse yourself. Realize that everyone passes gas at one time or another.
it doesnt pass gas at all...
Perhaps, if you have enough gas in the intestinal tract.
The motto of American Public Gas Association is 'The Voice and Choice for Public Gas'.
why you get lightheaded when i pass gas? simply because it smells like a$$!
All humans pass gas - regardless of race, creed or colour !
No, but they do pass it.
If you do a breakdown of costs each month, you might see that gas and a car payment are two of your largest costs. So what you do to bring these costs down? You might start by looking into public transportation. In most areas, the public transit system is so good that most people can survive completely without ever owning a car. Getting a bus pass or maybe a subway pass will save you money on a car, car insurance, and even gas. With the rising costs of gas these days, this is a major thing that you must consider.
If you didn't pass gas when you needed to you would get a pain in your stomach.
Some people pass gas loud because they push it out hard.
Newborn babies don't pass gas because they don't yet have gas-producing bacteria in their intestines.