Dressing appropriately for any given social occasion. More specifically, for a formal or special occasion.
Takalluf is an Arabic term that refers to the practice of formality or artificial behavior, often to show respect or maintain appearances. It can encompass manners, etiquette, dressing, or speech that may go beyond what is genuinely comfortable or necessary.
Dressing up = Gwisgo i fyny Are you dressing up? "Wyt ti'n gwisgo i fyny?" I am dressing up "Rwy'n gwisgo i fyny"
Etiquette is like a rules or laws that need to follow
Netiquette, meaning "network etiquette", is a noun.
watwwvghd bakwbk
De rigueur
Dressing Up the Idiot was created in 1997.
The dressing on the plate looked wonderful. She was dressing appropriately for the occasion.
to dress up your monster you go to your dressing room on your map
In Tagalog Etiquette means " tamang pag-uugali ", in English simply means the right and expected behaviour anywhere you go.---- Alex Reyes alexroanreyes@yahoo.com