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dr Mary smith would be the correct way

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Q: In a letter do you address husband and wife doctors as Dear Dr John Smith and Dr Mary Smith?
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Salutation when both husband and wife are doctors?

The salutation used for the envelope address can be either Dr. John Smith and Dr. Jane Smith, or Drs. John and Jane Smith. If you are writing a letter to both doctors, then he greeting in your letter can be Dear Drs. Smith.

How to address in the envelope a married doctors?

When you are addressing a letter to married doctors it would be: Drs. John and Jane Doe.

How do I address a letter to a husband who is a PhD and a wife who isn't?

You write “Dr and Mrs. Smith”

What is the proper salutation in a letter to a husband and wife when both are Reverends?

You could address it to Reverend and Reverend Smith. The alternative would be the Reverends Smith.

How do you address an envelope when husband and wife are both doctors?

add the first name There are a variety of acceptable methods: Dr. John Smith Dr. Jane Smith The Drs. Smith Drs. John & Jane Smith

What is the proper salutation in a letter addressed to married doctors?

There are at least two correct ways to formally address two married doctors: 1. The Doctors Michael and Mary Smith (preferred); 2. Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Smith (feminist).

How do you address letter when wife is doctor but not husband?

If you're addressing it to both of them - It would be: Mr & Doctor Smith OR Mr & Mrs Smith - depending on how well you know them.

What is the proper salutation in a letter to a Doctor?

There are at least two correct ways to formally address two married doctors: 1. The Doctors Michael and Mary Smith (preferred); 2. Dr. Michael and Dr. Mary Smith (feminist).

How do you address Mr amd Mrs with first names?

In correspondence, addressing a married couple is : " Mr and Mrs John Smith " - the first name of the husband is the only one used. It is incorrect to address a letter to a married woman as " Mrs. Mary Smith. " A married woman traditionally takes the name of her husband and so a letter to her would properly read, " Mrs. John Smith." Surreyfan

How do you address a letter to a female reverend and her husband?

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith". "The Reverend" is never used in direct address. If addressing an envelope (and therefore third person) it should be "Mr John and The Reverend Jane Smith".

How do you address a letter to a wife but not her husband... Mrs. Bob Smith?

Mrs Robert Smith is appropriate, but more so would be to use her first name, such as: Mrs. Julia McGillicutty

How do you address two doctors with the same last name at the same address?

Drs Name and Name e.g Drs Smith and Smith