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Q: How many times do people clean their toilet a month?
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How many times do you clean a fishbowl?

probably like 2 times a month

To make sure that the toliet is well clean?

make sure you clean the toilet 2-3 times a day

How many times in a evening do people flush the toilet?

Twenty times per household

How many times do you have to clean a betta fish bowl in a month?

once i week

How often to clean a fishtank?

I clean mine every month or month and a half

What happens if you don't flush a toilet?

Well, it depends how many times you don't flush a toilet. If you don't flush it one time, nothing happens. But if you don't flush it for a month or something, and then you finally flush it, it may get clogged with toilet paper.

How many times do people go to the toilet?

18 months in your whole life

When will your system be clean if you smoked pot more than 10 times?

In roughly one month.

How did people wipe their butts two thousand years ago in Jerusalem?

In ancient times, people used various materials such as stones, clay shards, pieces of broken pottery, water, or sponges on sticks to clean themselves after using the restroom. They did not have toilet paper as we do today.

Is there a ghost in the toilet?

people say that bloody Mary comes out of the toilet if you flush it three times and say her name. it could be true, and it may not. but who knows anything can be real

How many times should we clean are laptop in a month?

That's up to you. Personally, even once a month seems excessive to me, because my laptop doesn't get dirty enough to warrant it.

How many times a week do you need to clean a hen houses out for 4 hens?

If you pick up their poo daily then you should be able to leave it to once a month.