it doesn't matter how many seconds you should wash your hand, but that you wash them thorougly
20 seconds
well not really but its better to wash for 20 seconds
Get rid of the meat. Wash your hands thoroughly (at least 20 seconds) with warm water and soap.
if you wash them for 20 seconds than there clean enough.
Absolutely, honey. It's always a good idea to wash those hands before getting intimate. No one wants any unwanted guests crashing the party, if you catch my drift. So scrub up, be courteous, and enjoy the fun without any unexpected surprises.
Every time you go to the toilet you must wash your hands. It doesn't matter if it is after urinating or opening your bowels. As there are many (germs) around that area of your bottom. I believe a 60 second hand wash should be used every single time, and you must wash between fingers, palms and wrists. You can't be too careful, if every one washed their hands thoroughly there would be less diseases.
Wash your hands and arms thoroughly and rinse them in clean water.
You should always wash your hands after you have been to the toilet and before eating meals. If you feel that you have touched a bacteria infested surface, it is always good to wash your hands.
The best way to wash your hands is with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to wash the top of your hands, palms, in between fingers and wrists. It is also good to wash under your fingernails, you can use a fingernail brush or rub your fingertips against your palm. Then dry your hands with a clean towel.
about 1 litre but it really depends n how long you wash your hands for
wash your hands