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A dozen is traditional. If you cannot afford that, get a single perfect one with lots of lacy asparagus fern and baby's breath. Florists are pretty accommodating if you are honest about your finances. They know if they treat you right, you will be a loyal customer when you are more financially successful.

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Q: How many roses do you give to someone the night of a play?
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How many roses say you like someone as a friend?

Zero. Roses are for relationships.

How many chocolates in a box of roses?

Give or take, I would say 500g celsius

How many roses should you give to your girl or boyfriend?

either a dozen red roses or one nice beautiful red rose it needs to be extra good though

Where can someone purchase a Bouquet of Roses?

There are many places where one may purchase a bouquet of roses. The most obvious place would be a florists. Some large supermarkets and department stores also sell them.

How many roses do you give for a theater performance?

One dozen to be polite and appreciative . Two dozen for excellence. Two dozen roses if you are madly in love with the leading lady, plus chocolates or an invitation to supper after the show.

How many pages does A Pattern of Roses have?

A Pattern of Roses has 132 pages.

How many pages does The English Roses have?

The English Roses has 48 pages.

What kind of roses have more than one variety?

There are many many varieties of roses, as such almost all roses have more than one variety, from the knockout rose bush to hybrid tea roses to multi-colored genetically engineered roses.

Is there a white roses?

Yes, there are white roses. Roses like many flowers can be grown/pollinated to be a variety of colors.

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When is it appropriate to send a yellow rose on Valentine's day?

If you are a traditionalist, yellow roses are a symbol of apology/forgiveness. Through the years, they have taken on different meanings. In modern times, a yellow rose means love and friendship. It would be the color of someone that means a lot to you, but you are not romatically involved with. A yellow rose would be a good choice to give your sister or your best friend.

What does a rose symbolize?

A rose can symbolize many things from love to compassion. If you have empathy for someone you are giving them an "affinity flow" (flow of love) and roses can be identified with that.