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Well, I'm a guy, but I wear them all the time. It's not wired(I know your thinking I'm crazy). It's actually quite supportive! It works great when you do sports and other activities;) (if you know what I mean) But anyways, this is how I wear them...I simply put them on like normal underwear with the thicker side over the junk, and the thinner part riding up your butcrack. but here's the twist...if you put a marble slightly inside your anus, it feels good during the durration of wearing it, instead of irritating you. Thongs are a pretty basic thing to wear. They work mainly best when wearing tight clothes or when your getting ready to get friskey;) Hope this helps:p

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14y ago

first. you place them on like underwear then. you make sure the line behind them goes up you behind cheeks next. you wear shorts to hide the lines. last. you may also wear them to hide tan lines.

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