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Wooden features were replaced with stone while roofs, now considered unseemly, were hidden behind a stone parapet.

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Q: How do you use unseemly in a sentence?
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What is a compound sentence using the word Unseemly?

There are innumerable ways to use "unseemly" in a compound sentence. On example could be: The large, heavy St. Bernard dog looked unseemly for the obstacle course, but he was really quite agile.

How would you use unseemly in a sentence?

In many conservative areas of the Southern United States, it is unseemly for women to play musical instruments in public.

What is a sentence for the word unseemly?

Ten o'clock at night is an unseemly time for a visit unless you have been invited.

How do you use the word unseemly in a sentence?

The kinight's demeanor was so unseemly as to belie his status. The undercover detective's useemly alcoholic stench belied his identity so well as to fool even the most common drunken sailor on the docks.

Which one is the oidd term comparing to the rest of them -unseemly-expedience-advisability-eligibility-propriety-opportunism?


What is something that used to be unseemly but is now considered normal?

It used to be unseemly for women to wear pants, but now it isn't.

What are synonyms for unworthy?

undeserving, dishonorable, unseemly.

Why were women allowed to act in the globe theatre?

No.they were considered unseemly

How do you spell innapropriete?

The correct spelling is inappropriate (unseemly, untimely, or not fitting).

Why were stockings traditionally put on table legs?

to hide unseemly bristle

What is an antonym of 'appropriate'?

inappropriate unsuitable improper unbecoming unfitting unseemly

For which she has your thanks?

'For which you have MY thanks' is a reasonable phrase for you to use, but, it is most unseemly to presume upon a relationship which your correspondent may (or may not) have with a third party not present, and should be strenuously avoided in correspondence.