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First understand why they are being over protective. They may be afraid of you getting hurt, or afraid of losing control of the situation, or maybe they are worried that you wont make the right choices or will push the boundaries even more.

I made sure every time I discussed this issue with my parents that I conducted myself in a mature way and never had a hissy fit or acted like a child. Prove that youre capable of thinking on an adult level first. I also proved that I was responsible by getting good grades and coming to my parents right away when I did have a problem. There is nothing worse than you parents finding out about something you hid from them.

I also pushed my luck a lot..

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14y ago
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13y ago

well i have a very overprotective mother! and its horrible so either try to talk to her about it and let her know you are growing up or just say ok and move on like today she wont drive anywhere because the roads are bad and she wont let anyone come pick me up from anywhere because she doesnt want me to get into an accident and "die" i understand that but it just feels so unfair because i really wanted to do what i asked her if i could do.

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16y ago

Show her how responsible you are by acting wisely.

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14y ago

to deal with a mom that is over protective is to stay silent and nod your head. its better than disagreeing with her and end up fighting with her about stupid stuff.

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