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You could write "Dear Sirs and Madam" in a business letter, or you could write "Dear Friends" in an informal letter.

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Q: How do you address two men and a woman in a letter?
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How do you properly address a letter to two men and two women?

Use all four names or find some phrase that covers them like: Mr J. Doe and family.

Can two men get a woman pregnant?

Not at the same time to create a single baby. But it is possible that if the woman has two eggs then two different men can fertilize them, resulting in fraternal twins that are half-brothers.

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The reason for this is most women find it more exciting to have more girls involved then two men.

How can I address a letter to two people?

send two letters :)

Why do men want two woman in their lives?

men want you as an option, and women have men as their priority Answer cuz their stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does a three some with two men and a woman hurt?

It did for me :L

What are woman married to two men called?

Bigamists. It is a crime.

What is the letter address of a business letter?

There are two addresses in a business letter. If letterhead is used, that acts as the 'return address' of the sender; if letterhead is not used, the sender's address must be at the top of the letter. Then there is always an 'inside address', the name and/or address of the person or entity that the letter is sent to.