In a formal situation, Italians greet each other with handshakes. In informal situations, they tend to greet each other with hugs and kisses. But there also can be handshakes among those within one's close circle of family and friends.
Ciao is the most common way for Italians to greet each other. It actually means both 'hello' and 'goodbye'. It's pronounced just like the English noun, 'chow'.
How do swedes greet each other.
Angels greet each other by touching their wing tips together.
People from Brooklyn greet each other in the same way others do in the different cities. In general, they will greet each other by saying "hello" or "hi".
ANSWER: Filipinos greet each other by saying, Kumusta.
The maori greet by touching noses
They sniff each other.
They generally greeted each other by saying "hello". This is the same way people greet each other now. However, they were much more formal to each other in the 1800s.
well fijians normaly greet each other by saying bula or bula vinaka which both means hello in fijian
They have hand shake and most of kiss each other
They wink and nod
With a curry