To go and see them in person. To become acquainted with. To meet. acquainted - meet and greet for the first time.
To go and see them in person. To become acquainted with. To meet. acquainted - meet and greet for the first time.
You greet the guest first.
They say "namaste"
They don't just greet the person they are talking to, they also greet, or ask how their whole line of family is.
Diana Barry was the first to greet Anne on her birthday.
Any time you see another Jewish person on the sabbath, and you want to greet them.
A hostess is the person who greets people when they first walk into a restaurant. The job description is to greet customers and seat them.
meet and greet
In Senegal, even though French is the official language, the custom is to greet a person first in Arabic: "Salam aleykoum" (Peace be with you), then is Wolof, "Na nga def?" (How are you?), "Naka sa we ker?" (How is the family?"
What a person intends or plans to do