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no, it means you are stingy or drunk

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Q: Does tight mean you are reluctant to kiss or sleep with someone?
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Related questions

How Many people can one person kiss at the same time?

you can kiss someone when you wake up(1),to start doing sth(2),kiss goodbye(3) kiss in bed when you want to sleep.(4)

Examples of coaxed?

James was reluctant to kiss his elderly aunt, and had to be coaxed.

Is it okay to kiss someone when they are sleep?

It's ok, since they are not saying no. It's wrong to kiss someone only if they say no.

What kind of a kiss is a passionate kiss?

A passionate kiss is different from a regular kiss. A passionate kiss is when you are kissing someone you love, and you kiss someone with the passion that you feel for someone.

What episode in Wedding Peach does Youske kiss Momoko?

they kiss in episode 8 when jama-p kicks him in the leg and falls on her and kisses her by accident but wakes her from her sleep after pajama puts her in deep sleep and she could have waken only if someone she loved like a prince kissed her on the lips

How do you kiss someone with passion?

kiss them.... down there ;)

How do you kiss someone passionate?

kiss them.... down there ;)

Does ichigo and rukia kiss?

no not in the official manga or anime, Orihime almost kissed Ichigo but was reluctant when she was leaving the world of the living

Do you kiss them when they ask you?

you should only kiss someone when you feel ready to. If someone asks you and you don't think your ready, don't kiss them

Is your first kiss when someone kisses you or when you kiss them?


What is the issue is Sleeping Beauty?

the whole kingdom has been put to sleep by the evil witch and someone has to wake them up by using true love's kiss on sleeping beauty.

Why when i see people kiss like really kiss you really want to kiss someone?

Its just yearning, probably. You wish someone would kiss you like that. Totally natural.