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Etiquette does not dictate which arm to wear a watch. This is mostly a matter of preference but most people find it comfortable to wear it on the left arm.

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Q: Does etiquette dictate which arm to wear a watch?
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Why do girls wear wrist watch in rt hand and boys wear wrist watch in left hand?

Everyone that I know that is right handed, wears their watch on the left arm, regardless of their gender. Left handed people often wear their watch on the left arm.

What arm should a men wear his watch by rules of bon ton?

men where watches on there left arm

What arm do you wear your watch on?

It is a matter of personal preference. Traditionally, a watch is worn on the non-dominant hand for ease of movement.

What arm should a women wear her watch?

The left wrist is the watch wrist for both men and women.

What arm o guys wear watch on?

It doesn't matter; just preference!

Why some pilots wear their watch on their right hand?

Some pilots wear their watch on their right hand because it may be more comfortable for them during flight operations, as it allows easier access to the aircraft controls without obstruction. Additionally, wearing a watch on the non-dominant hand may reduce the risk of accidental damage to the watch during cockpit activities.

Should a man wear a watch on right or left arm?

men always on there left

Which arm do you wear a watch?

As most people are right-handed, they typically wear their watch on their left wrist for easy access. However, it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

What side does a woman wear her watch?

There is no set rule for which side a woman should wear her watch. It is personal preference and can depend on factors like which hand she writes with or what feels most comfortable. Traditionally, most women wear their watch on their non-dominant hand.

Why does the military wear their watch under their wrists?

Its really a simple reason. In combat you are less likely to damage the face of the watch when it is on the inside of your arm.

What will you wear on your arm if you break your arm?

you will wear a cast or a brace