

Best Answer
  • Yes, you can accept an invitation if you have declined for a good reason and your plans changed. You should phone the hostess; host or bride if it's a wedding.
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Q: Can you accept an invitation after you have already declined?
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What is a homograph for deny or decline?

A homograph for "deny" is "denied" as in "they denied the allegations." A homograph for "decline" is "declined" as in "she declined the invitation."

What are the example of courteous expression in accepting an invitation?

I am delighted to accept your gracious invitation.

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To accept an invitation, on the email you have been sent there should be a link that says click on in. If you need an invitation send me an email at

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Samantha, an introvert by nature, preferred her own company and declined the party invitation.

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"He is going to accept the invitation for tomorrow's party" Accept is the future tense of the word accept. --- More commonly, the future tense is "will accept" i.e. "He will accept the invitation for tomorrow's party"

What is a good sentence with the word decline?

She politely declined the invitation to the party.

What is a sentence for accept?

It is not acceptable to be unable to use acceptable in a sentence.

How do you accept Facebook invitation?

Log in to your facebook and find a link called "1 friend request" or you might have "2 friend request". click on it and you are on your way adding your new friend already

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An email invitation should always be responded to with gratitude. Whether you will accept or decline the interview you should offer thanks for the invitation.

Who to date?

That would depend on your interests as well as who will accept your invitation(s).

Why I Could Not Accept What if your Invitation poem?

It is possible that you may not have been able to accept the invitation presented in the poem due to feeling overwhelmed, scared, or uncertain about what it entailed. It might have been too sudden or unexpected, leading to hesitation or resistance in accepting. Sometimes, personal circumstances or emotions can also play a role in being unable to accept an invitation.

What is a good sentence for the word decline?

She politely declined the invitation to the party.