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Generally speaking we do not preface people's names with either 'a' or 'the' (in English).

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Q: Can we use a before a person's name?
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Should i use 'the' before a persons name?

No, it is not necessary to use "the" before a person's name when addressing them directly. It is more common to use titles like Mr., Mrs., or Dr. before a person's name in formal contexts.

Is it proper grammar to use she before a persons name?

Yes, it is proper grammar to use "she" before a person's name when referring to that person with a female pronoun. For example, "Sheila is going to the store."

Do you use Dr for legal doctors in English If so before or after the names?

In the U.S. a doctorate degree in the law is signifed by the letters "L.L.D." after the persons name.

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No, "the" is not used before a person's name, regardless of whether that person is famous, popular, or respected. "The" is used before common nouns, including those that indicate what a person does or has done (e.g., the leader or the poet), but it is not used before names.

Can the name Sony be a persons name?

yes it can be a persons name

Do you place a period before and after a persons last name initial?

no, capitalize the letter and put a period after it.

Is it the persons name and you or you and the person name?

It is the persons name and then you. It is.. EX: Marissa and I.

Should you put a comma before a persons name?

You should put a comma before a person name if you're talking directly to them. ex- Please come here,Lily.

How do you make someones name blue in facebook?

all you have to do is put an @ sign before you write their name and it ill show you a list and just click the persons name.

When do you use me in a sentence after a name?

When you use me after a name in a sentence it is when you take away the persons name and figure out if it should be I or Me. Example : Mom got a present for Anya and me, Mom got a present for me.

Is it illegal to use another persons name in order to gain information?

Yes, unless you have permission by the person you are using the name of.

How do you pingsomeone on Facebook?

once your on their profile look under photo and it shold say send (persons name) a message add (persons name ) to friends list and poke (persons name) click on (persons name)