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Before you point your finger make sure your hands are clean

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Q: Before you point your finger make sure your hands are clean?
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Related questions

Who said before you point the dirty finger make sure your hands are clean?

Africa Unite in the song "Judge Not"

What does clean you finger before you point at my spots?

Be sure you don't have problems before you say others do.

What does clean you finger before you point at my spots mean?

Be sure you don't have problems before you say others do.

What does clean my finger before you point at my spots mean?

Be sure you don't have problems before you say others do.

What are the basics of good groming?

Stay well shaved, if you have facial hair, keep it trimmed. Try to shower twice a day, before and after work/school, and after exerting yourself to the point that you sweat. Brush your teeth after each meal. Wear deodorant. Clean your ears regularly. Keep your hair clean and cut neatly. Keep your finger and toe nails cut and clean.

What is the freezing point of a wrench?

A wrench has no freezing point, and anyway your hands will freeze long before any wrench is even affected.

What are the five main parts of your hand?

thumb, point finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger

What are the signal of referee in badminton?

If you mean line judges, if they point at the line that means the shot is in, if they spread their hands out, the shot went out. If you still have a question, ask away.

Is the index finger the middle finger?

No, the index finger is next to the thumb. Then the middle finger. Then the ring finger. Then the little finger, sometimes called pinky. no its the one between the middle finger and the thumb. The one you point it.

In Europe is it impolite to point your finger?

Yes, it is.

Whats the point for a touch free soap dispenser?

The point of the touch free soap dispenser is that it keeps dirty hands from touching the soap dispenser! Before you wash, your hands are the dirtiest, so if you touch the dispenser you are putting germs on it that can be spread to the next person that touches it with their dirty hands, over and over again.

Which finger is the pointer finger?

The pointer finger is also known as the index finger and is the second finger from the thumb on a human hand. It is commonly used to point at things or touch objects.