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Q: Are Chinese people mean
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Related questions

What does rice mean to the Chinese people?

well the chinese people don't

Why do Chinese people are mean to American born Chinese?

They are not.

When Chinese people said Chinese age you were nineteen what they mean?

it means how old are u

What does cool mean for the Chinese people?

that means a thing have its own style "酷"in Chinese

What does rice mean in Chinese?

its food to Chinese people. the word "rice" means nothing

Does subculture mean Chinese people using chopsticks?


What does the red background mean on the Chinese flag?

It symbolizes the blood and struggle of the people in the Chinese revolution.

What does it mean to Chinese people when someone sticks their pinky out?

It's does not mean anything

What does dating mean to Chinese people?

What kind of question?! It of course means chasing love and happiness to Chinese people!! The same as you! Idiot!

What does Chinese immigration mean in English?

Chinese immigration refers to the movement of Chinese people (eg. people from China and Hong Kong) to another country. For example, there are many Chinese immigrants in British Columbia.

What does minimum two people mean at Chinese restaurant?

you are to fat

What does the characters mean on the 100 Chinese bill?

It is there people of warship