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Organizations gain synergy when all areas are in "alignment" with the core/key organizational strategies. It is as if all areas are moving in the same direction focusing on the same key business objectives. Alliance EDI, LLC

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Q: Why should hr strategy be consistent with both organisational strategy and functional strategy?
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The HR strategy should reflect the view of the organization's mission. If they aren't aligned then the organization may have problems attracting people who align with their objectives.

Are functional strategies interdependent or can they be formulated independent of other functions?

Functional strategies are organizational plans for marketing, human resources, research and development, and other functional areas. It supports both corporate-level and business strategies. I believe that functional strategies should be interdependent because a business after all reflects a system of interdependent and interrelated parts. All the functional areas of a firm must work in harmony and follow the set corporate strategy. Thus, functional strategies should be synchronized with each other and be aligned with organizational strategies. For example, a research and development strategy might be dependent on an investment or the hiring of new personnel to support the implementation.

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aligning compensation strategy with hr strategy and business strategy would simply mean that the designing of a company's compensation strategy should be in such a way that it should support its HR as well as business strategy.

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accodin to organisational polices and procedures

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The incentive to spend should not be built into a taxation strategy.

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