

Why management is a social process?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Why management is a social process?
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is management a social process or a profession. explain?

Social process is management because social process are activities that are primarily concerned with interpersonal relationships. Because human actions must be directed, coordinated, and regulated by management, it is referred to as a social process.

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Is management a social process?

according to newman, management is a social process becuse it deals with people. to make the best use of human efforts,managers have to create close co-operation among employees in a organisation.they have to look after the interests of employees,customers,invesers,shareholders,and community.

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according to newman, management is a social process becuse it deals with people. to make the best use of human efforts,managers have to create close co-operation among employees in a organisation.they have to look after the interests of employees,customers,invesers,shareholders,and community.

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Social media management is the process of managing social media accounts. There are many tools available that assists people, especially businesses to manage social media profiles, in order to make a good presence online and reach more number of targeted audiences.

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Management process refers to planning and controlling the performance or execution of an activity in an organization. There can be two types of management processes including; process management and project management. Process management deals with the performance and management system. Management process is conducted by the top management of the company. It is the most important process because it gives the control to management over the tasks of the company.

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