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The topic of project management is getting more attention lately because the importance of the position to the positive outcome of a project has been recognized.

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Q: Why is the topic of project management getting more attention lately?
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Can any one please make Swot analysis of Abbott Laboratories?

Yes you can...refer to; Jim loves Abbot labs and writes passionately on Abbot in his book Good to great this will give you the Strengths. Next look up Abbot on the NYSE...its not doing too well lately refer the string of information that lead to its got the weaknesses... Opp and Threats are like a science fiction novel...make them up. OR... Just refer to this SWOT analysis: Hope that helps!

What is the difference between David Harmer and Jerry McNerney?

The differences were laid bare in the debate held Saturday in Tracy, CA One of the marked differences is on the economy and creating jobs: When it came to jobs and the economy, Jerry McNerney really shanked it in this debate. He spent parts of several answers saying we need to bring manufacturing jobs to this country, all well and good. What does Jerry think is going to bring jobs back to the area? He mentioned that some people in the crowd remembered when televisions were made in America. Biggest problem with this is that a lot of these jobs are now in China and pay $1.50 a day. Bring those back, and your bigscreen will cost $10,000. In two answers, Jerry McNerney touted EVI in Stockton. "This area could be the Detroit of electric vehicles," McNerney said. Anyone seen an EVI vehicle on the road? No, me neither. EVI website press releases confirms they have taken millions in taxpayer money and created few jobs. Further, I do not see anything on the website stating that they have actually sold any vehicles. Jerry McNerney wants Stockton to look like Detroit. Have you seen Detroit lately? Jerry McNerney stood idly by while Obama pulled real jobs out of his district when GM left NUMMI. Now NUMMI and thousands of jobs are gone, forever. An electric vehicle with no discernible sales of an actual, viable product means manufacturing jobs are years in the future, at best. But this is Jerry's idea for restoring the local economy.

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