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Q: Who uses operational art to envision how to create conditions that define the national strategic end state?
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What is the difference between global strategic management and strategic management in the domestic context?

Strategies are formulated based on environmental forces. Diversity management is more apt in Global context than domestic context. On the face of it formulation of strategies may appear to be same for all markets but the implementation component is impacted by diversity. Thus the domestic Strategic Management differs from Global Strategic Management in several dimensions, the critical of them being being diversity (of all types), Scale, Distances, Exchange Rates and National Policies.

Why is an understanding of national cultures important in strategic management?

An understanding of different national cultures is important in all aspects of strategic management. Since international trade is becoming increasingly important, knowledge of national cultures is important to environmental scanning. One must scan not only key forces in one's industry, but also different societal forces in other parts of the world where the company might do business. An understanding of national cultures is also important to the formulation of strategy. Many cultures are very ethnocentric and do not like foreigners controlling key parts of their country. In Saudi Arabia, for example, non-Saudis cannot own land - they can only rent it. Most countries have rules regarding ownership of companies in industries which are deemed important to that country's welfare (for example, the U.S. defense industry). A company must have an understanding of these differences if it is to formulate various entry strategies into different countries or regions. An understanding of different cultures is especially important in strategy implementation. Because of cultural differences, managerial style and human resource practices must be tailored to fit the particular situations in other countries. Hofstede found in his research that national culture is so influential that it tends to overwhelm even a strong corporate culture. In measuring the differences among five national dimensions from country to country, he was able to explain what a certain management practice might be successful in one nation, but fail in another. Knowledge of these kinds of differences is crucial for any multinational corporation. An understanding of national cultures is also important to evaluation and control

What is the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award?

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is given to organizations in non profit, health care, business, and education sectors that show excellence. it is sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

What is NRHM project?

national rural health mission

What is the mission-vision of PNB?

Punjab National Bank mission and vission

Related questions

Who uses operational aret to envision how to create conditions that define the national strategic end state?

Commanders use operational art to envision how to create conditions that define the national strategic end state. Operational art is also known as the operational level of war.

Who uses operational art to envision how to create conditions to define the national strategic end state?


Who uses operational art to envision how to create conditions that define national strategic end state?


Who use operational art to envision how to create conditions that define the national strategic end state?


What were the national strategic and operational objectives of US in desert storm?

The Soviet Union was gone...the cold war was over...nothing could stop the US now...there was only ONE "national strategic" and "operational objective" of the US during DS...Remove Iraq from that oil! This was done.

At What levels may a combatant commander function within the context of unified action?

A combatant commander may function at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels within the context of unified action. At the strategic level, they develop and execute military strategies in alignment with national objectives. At the operational level, they coordinate and synchronize military operations to achieve strategic goals. At the tactical level, they oversee and direct specific military actions on the ground.

What three levels do ca forces and cmo planners support full spectrum operations?

Tactical level: Supporting combat units in the field with targeting, coordination, and logistics. Operational level: Coordinating between multiple combat units to achieve strategic objectives. Strategic level: Assisting in planning and coordination for overall campaign objectives and national security goals.

When was A National Strategic Narrative created?

A National Strategic Narrative was created in 2011.

The National Strategy discusses the ways and means the Department of Defense will achieve its strategic objectives?

The National ______________ Strategy discusses the ways and means the Department of Defense will achieve its strategic objectives.

The National Strategy discusses the ways and means the Department of Defense will achieve its strategic objectives.?

The National ______________ Strategy discusses the ways and means the Department of Defense will achieve its strategic objectives.

What principles of joint operations provide the conditions to develop and maintain the will necessary to attain the national strategic end state?

The principle is "legitimacy" -- along with restraint and perseverance, it is one of 3 modern principles of warfare.

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national bank.