A dormant stakeholder, is a person or body corporate who takes nothing at all to do with the company that they have a share (stake) in over a long period of time. It is similar to a 'silent partner' in a business.
A Key Stakeholder is someone who has a very significant bearing/impact in the success or failure of a project. For ex: If your company is creating a website for me, I am a key stakeholder. Because, if you guys fail, I am the one who is going to be most affected.
The Project Manager is usually the primary stakeholder in a project. Other important stakeholders are the customer (for whom the project is being executed) and the project sponsor
First the relationship is reciprocal, a manager can be a stakeholder and a stakeholder can be a manager.A stakeholder is any person with a interest in the project. It might be the CEO of the company, a manager, a client, etc... Sometimes, there are conflicting motivations between the stakeholder that wants profit and manager that wants leisure and security, these motivations are called agency problem. Solutions to Agency Problems: · Compensation as incentive. · Extending to all workers stock ,bonuses and grants of stock. · Making workers act more like owners of the firm
A stakeholder - is a person who has invested money in something.
stakeholder customer
A stakeholder - is a person who has invested money in something.
Connected Stakeholder are directly connected with business organisations.
A stakeholder of a mutual fund is someone who has interest in it.
components of the tourism stakeholder system
A stakeholder is any person who affects or is affected by the activities of an organisation. A claim is the outcome that the stakeholder seeks or the outcome which would benefit the stakeholder most or harm it least
A stakeholder that does not engage in direct economic exchange with a company, but is affected by or can affect its actions. (Also called a secondary stakeholder.) An example are NGO's.
A stakeholder that does not engage in direct economic exchange with a company, but is affected by or can affect its actions. (Also called a secondary stakeholder.) An example are NGO's.
dormant dormant
Stakeholder are people who have an interest in company or organization's affairs.
A stakeholder is an individual or group of people who have an interest in a business. Some stakeholders are stockholders, employees, customers, the community or society in which the company operates, etc. Sometimes, even the government can be a stakeholder. Anyone that has a "stake" in the company is a stakeholder basically.
Transparency, accountability, fairness, and responsibility are all principles for stakeholder cooperation.