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Employees who are motivated by achievement often set higher goals than others. In sales organizations, they often have the highest sales quota.

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Q: Which principle of goal setting is described by employees who are motivated by achievement?
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What are the different Principles applying to Objectives in Management?

1.principle of attainability 2.principle of acceptability 3.principle of communication 4.principle of clarity and or simplicity 5.the motivational principle 6.principle of suitability 6.the principle of commitment

What is management of principle?

what is management of principle

What are the main principles of scientific management and administrative management What assumptions are made about workers?

the principle of scientific management that solving problems and making decisions always has a scientific approach. this approach arose of the need to maximise manufacturing productivity through more efficient use of physical and human resources. it was based on the theory that employees have only economical and physical needs so social and job-satisfaction needs are not important or don't really exist in the eyes of the manager. this principle was founded by Frederick W. Taylor. the principle of administrative management was that there was only one best organisation. this meaning that there was only one method in which to have maximum efficiency out of an entire organisation and that all business that go by this theory would have the best organisation. the MAIN contributor was Max Weber who believed that rational authority would be more efficient and adaptable to change. he envisioned organisations that would be managed on an impersonal, rational basis. this form of organisational principle was then known as BUREAUCRACY. THE ASSUMPTIONS MADE ABOUT WORKERS ARE THAT THEY ARE ONLY MOTIVATED BY FINANCIAL NEEDS, AND SOCIAL OR EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS ONLY SLOWED DOWN THE EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION

What core principle that serves as the foundation to good decision making?

What is a core principle that serves as the foundation to good decision making

What is the BRIE principle?

the smellier the cheese the better

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Which principle of goal setting described by employees who are motivated by achievement?

Employees who are motivated by achievement often set higher goals than others. In sales organizations, they often have the highest sales quota.

Which principle of goal setting is described by employees who are motivated by achievements?

Employees who are motivated by achievement often set higher goals than others. In sales organizations, they often have the highest sales quota.

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