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Never, because are clueless and spineless and won't back you up

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Q: When should you refer a customer complaint to your supervisor?
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where should i go to file a complaint?

You must refer to your receipt as to which company did the service. You need to talk to the person in charge, perhaps the Manager or Supervisor who can handle the case for you.

What do you do if you can't resolve a problem as a customer service provider?

refer to a manager or supervisor

How do you handle an angry customer?

Treat them with kindness, no matter what. Refuse to drop to their level, i.e. anger. If you can't handle themor everything you do is wrong as far as they are concerned, refer them to your supervisor. As hard as it may be sometimes, remember the maxim that "the customer is always right".

Can a creditor contact a customer that has filed bankrputcy and paid attorney retainer fee?

Yes. The customer should probably refer the creditor to the attorney, however.

What makes you stand out from the others on the phone?

Talking when on the telephone is not always a strength. For example: I listen carefully to customer complaints and try not to interrupt except to ask for clarification. When I speak, I try to find a solution that satisfies the customer's needs. If I'm unable to help, I refer the matter to my supervisor.

What to do with an angry customer?

In dealing with an angry customer, we must realize that our primary aim is to keep them as a customer. We do this in two ways: 1. Don't become defensive; listen politely to his complaint regardless of how obnoxious he becomes. 2. Within the perimeters of company policy, try to address the customer's complaint to his satisfaction. Sometimes it's necessary to bend a little in the customer's favour to resolve the dispute. That's a judgement call and may not be up to you. In that case, call your manager. Some customers are not worth retaining because they've scammed you before and their cheating has just become too outrageous. In that case, fire him out the front door and politely refer him to your competitor.

How do you tell a coworker you can no longer help them?

Infer that you have exhausted your personal knowledge and refer them to a supervisor.

How do you handle angry passenger?

You can handle an angry passenger by listening to them. You can repeat the problem back to them so they know they were heard. You can fix their complaint or refer them to your manager. You should stay calm and not allow your emotions to match theirs.

What is a family phiscian?

A family physician is a medical doctor who will examine and treat anyone in your family, except maybe a very young infant who should see a pediatrician, and in cases where the complaint is of such a serious nature that the patient should see a specialist, will refer the patient to an appropriate specialist.

In what possible ways would a client be different from a customer?

The term 'Customer' tends to refer to a one-off business transaction usually in a retail situation. 'Client' tends to refer to a regular customer using a professional service: a customer buys a book about Law, a client employs the services of a lawyer. Dentists have clients, shopkeepers have customers.

What is bad customer service?

bad customer service is when you do not take the time to help someone because it is not profitable to you in any way. it is ignoring a customer. if you get a query and you do not know the answer then you should refer them to someone who can answer their question. bad customer service is being in polite and not helpful in any way when needed buy a customer. being rude or obnoxious is bad too.

What is Know your customer?

The term "know your customer", or KYC, is the process used to verify the identity of a business's customer. KYC is also used to refer to bank regulations that conducts these activities.