What is the importance of management education in management functions for any organisation?
The answer to this question is simply that supervisors and managers must not only have vocational, technical knowledge about their specialised field of operation in the organisation, but also knowledge about management functions and principles. The work component of any job rests on two pillars, namely technical work and management work.
The importance of management education, management development and management training cannot be over emphasised. Whether the knowledge about management principles is obtained through formal study programs at Universities or internally through on the job training or through external seminars or programs, it is of the utmost importance for any person in any job in life; even for the self-employed, entrepreneurs, Kings, Presidents of Countries, the richest people in life and even the lowest level of jobs.
Essential work environment elements to be managed:
The things or elements, which any person has to manage are:
1. Operations (actions)
2. Finance (money and resources)
3. People (human relations)
4. Information (needed information for wise decisions)
5. Time (your own and that of others)
The Importance of Management can be expressed as follows:-
Importance of cost control in project management?
participatory management
The importance of training and development in Human Resources Management involves proper management of personnel.
importance of records to information manager
Industrial management is using human and non human resources to achieve goals. The importance of industrial management is the utilization of organizational resources to achieve industry set goals.
importance of estate management
what is the importance of management in governing a state? what is the importance of management in governing a state?
Importance of cost control in project management?
There are many great importance reasons for the management of material. This management leads to more effective and efficient decisions.
There are many great importance reasons for the management of material. This management leads to more effective and efficient decisions.
participatory management
The importance of training and development in Human Resources Management involves proper management of personnel.
The growing mechanization of industry is decreasing the importance of personnel management?comment
what are importanne of delegate in management what are importanne of delegate in management what are importanne of delegate in management
importance of records to information manager
Management concept that suggests that low importance decissions be handled by subordinates so that managers can focus on. High importance decisions