The abbreviation for development is Devel. If you use this in a sentence, many people will immediately know what you are referring to.
The standard abbreviation is "assoc."
Decl. is the standard abbreviation for "declaration."
The standard abbreviation for height is ht.
I don't think there's a standard abbreviation of "following" but we are used to using "ff." as the abbreviation of it.
The abbreviation is "DEV"
There is no abbreviation in human development for a bachelor. This is a modern concept.
No standard abbreviation
This abbreviation is Fr.
Devel. is the abbreviation for development. You can use this when you are referring to developing a marketing campaign in a report.
The standard abbreviation for California is CA.
The standard abbreviation for Skopje is SK.
Decl. is the standard abbreviation for "declaration."