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To facilitate and expedite business processes.

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Q: What is the role of information technology in business?
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What strategic role can information technology play in business process re engineering and total quality management?

The strategic role of IT in business to re engineer total quality management is the combination of information technology and human business strategies. For this to be accomplished, by the IT manager and the supervisor to have good communication skills.

What is a description of an information technology business?

An Information Technology business is a business that provides products and/or services that focus on or revolve around any aspect of Information Technology. (Refer to the attached link for the definition of Information Technology.)A non-Information Technology business is any business that provides products and/or services that do not focus on or revolve around Information Technology.

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The essential components of information systems in a business are the public relations officer and the technology through which the information gets to the required audience. The main role of an information system is to alert all the important parties in the business about anything going in the business that need to be known

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What are the effects of information technology to a business administrator?

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Business Process, Managerial decision making, workgroup collaboration...

When does function of business happen in Information Technology?

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What is the significance of Information Technology in a business environment?

Information technology is important in all fields. IT is used to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or information. Information Technology is the technology to exchange digital data. In a business environment IT is very beneficial aspect. Some of the aspect of IT in business are -- Data security- Website- IT staff- Social Media presence

What does the expression IT means in business?

In business the abbreviation IT means "Information Technology"

What is the role of information technology for business operation?

Information technology is able to analyze specific data and help to plan the business journey accordingly using the trends and information presented in data. IT can also efficiently equip businesses with plentiful tools which can solve challenging business obstacles and help to plan the future growth of the company. Allsoftgo is a professional IT company engaged in this field for years.

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How is modern information technology contributing to the shrinking time frames of business transactions?"