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factory means that it produces and company does not produce, it controls.

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Q: What is the difference between manufacturing company and factory?
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Is salary of factory manager a period cost?

Salary of factory manager is Manufacturing overhead. and Manufacturing overhead is Product costs. So, It's not period cost.

Suppose you are the production manager of a large factory manufacturing tires for different types of vehicles. Describe eleborately with illustrations how you will do Materials Requirements Planning f?

Suppose you are the production manager of a large factory manufacturing tyres for different types of vehicles. Describe elaborately with illustrations how you will do Materials Requirements Planning

What are the roles and responsibilities of a factory manager?

Organised product flow chart with clear description of each associate tack on daily basis Daily material flow input chart with What When , where & who data base report as to review ti keep the factory in flow towards product specification & to meet target dead line time. Keeping eye on next 2 days factory input & orders plan. Daily basis planned vs actual productivity plan with deviation & difference & action plan to meet the dead line plan as targeted. Booking an order on the basis of factory capacity & Efficiency. Presenting best features of the factory to highlights the factory positive atmosphere to attract customer for longer term. Production & shipment planning as planned for the factory to meet management turn over plan. Coating plan as budgeted of the factory & production plan to meet the same.

Is factory manager's salary part of factory overhead cost?


Why factory manager are paid more than production line workers?

why are factory managres paid more than production line workers

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What Is The Difference Between Company Factory?

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A company is a group of people organized for any business purpose (for example a restaurant, factory, store, or insurance sales). A factory is one kind of company that specifically produces items (such as computer, sofa, car).

Is there any difference between brand name and factory name?

yes. the brand is the company that invented it. the factory is the place where they make the product

What is difference between company and factory?

A company is a group of people organized for any business purpose (for example a restaurant, factory, store, or insurance sales). A factory is one kind of company that specifically produces items (such as computer, sofa, car).

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A plant is a manufacturing establishment, factory, or mill which produces goods. A generating station specifically generates power.

What is the difference between mills and factories?

A mill is a premises which entails a complete process of the manufacturing procedure while the factory is the premises in which some part of the whole process is carried out.

Which ukbased company owns the largest Indian food manufacturing factory in the world?

food disseirs

What is the difference between manufacturing and agriculture?

Manufacturing is when you make something man (or women) made. Like a computer made in a factory. Agriculture is when you plant something and it grows by nature. Like corn grown in a farm.

What would property taxes on a company's factory building be classified as?

I believe it would be classified as Manufacturing Overhead.

What is the difference between cells and a factory?

Cells are the basic structural and functional units of living organisms, while a factory is a man-made facility where goods are produced. Cells are biological units that carry out specific functions within an organism, while a factory is a human-designed facility for manufacturing products. Cells are highly specialized for various functions within organisms, while factories are designed for mass production of goods.

What is the difference between industry and factory?

A factory is one kind if industry location

What is the differnece between a service industry and manufacturing?

A service industry provides a service like lawn care, manufacturing is a factory producing goods.