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Aims are broader and wider.with the help of objectives we achieves our aims and objectives are framed if we have aim. objectives are not wide as aims it frames according to aims.

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Q: What is the difference between an aim and objective?
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Describe the difference between an aim and an objective?

i wii expalin by example aim- my aim is to become a millionare objective- my objective is to sell this stock.

What is difference between goal aim objective?

Objective is that it must be meet. A goal is what you plan to achieve unless it is a mandatory goal then that goal become an objective because it must be met.

What are the similarity between aim and objective?

Oh, dude, it's like asking me to explain the difference between a taco and a burrito - they're both delicious, but one has a softer shell, you know what I mean? So, aim and objective are pretty much like that - they both involve setting goals, but objectives are like the specific steps you take to reach your aim. It's like aiming to eat a burrito and your objective is to take a big bite without spilling the filling everywhere.

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The difference between objectives and policies is that one is deciding what to do something and one is deciding how to do something. An objective is something you aim for and the way to get it. A policy is in place in a company or government to tell employees how to do something.

What is the difference between aim and purpose?

The purpose of having an aim is to achieve it

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The difference between objective and strategy?

An objective is a goal to be achieved. A strategy is a method of achieving this goal.

What is the major difference between the political parties and the pressure groups?

The objective of political parties is to attain power and form the government, whereas the aim of pressure groups is only to influence the decision-making of the government

Objective information is?

Objective is a statement that is completely unbiased. It is not touched by the speaker's previous experiences or tastes. It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations. Read more: Difference Between Objective and Subjective | Difference Between | Objective vs Subjective

Describe what a aim and objective is?

An aim is an end goal, an overarching ambition. An objective is a step along the way to reaching that goal e.g. Aim: I want to get other people to do my homework for me. Objective: Get people to answer some of them by asking on random internet forums.