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Mission statement is typically a short statement of company's purpose of existence. Credo is the guideliines by which the company accomplishes its purpose.

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Q: What is the difference between a company credo and a company mission statement?
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Every company has a Mission Statement. But they are very difficult to write - they should short, clear, vivid, inspiring and concise without using jargon, complicated words or concepts. A Mission Statement is generally included in documents such as Business Plans and Staff Handbooks and can be described as a cross between a company or corporate slogan, or tagline, and an executive summary! A highly successful Mission Statement is both memorable and engaging. A combination of both a company's mission and a company's vision of the future may be included in a Mission Statement. No wonder a Mission Statement is hard to write and there is so much confusion between a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement! (Samples-help)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated directly below this answer section.