what is the relation between management and administration
capital intensive
management is considered a multi faceted concept because of the following: (a) Management of work ; (b) Management of people & (c) Management of operation.
In reality very little. Though technically you could say that administration is the act of carrying out the functions of management.
The difference between administration and management is in what each does. Administration deals with implementing policies and procedures into place. Management sees to it that these policies and procedures are carried out. An example would be, administration deciding that casual Friday would no longer be allowed. Management would pass on this information to employees and see to it that everyone follows the new rules.
Comparative management analyzes the extent to which management principles are applicable from one country to another. Since the leader in the development of management principles is the United States, comparative management seeks to determine the applicability of American know-how to foreign locales. Although the concept of comparative management evolved in the late sixties, it continues to be the subject of considerable debate.
comparative public administration mean the administration of public sectors.
Administration is the process or activity of running a business, or an organization. It focuses on the day to day's of a company.
The importance of comparative public administration is to compare data across states and propose policies that benefit its citizens. Decisions are formed based on the findings.
A comparative administration is an administration that is similar and because they are similar one would be able to compare the good and bad points of the two administrations.
The comparative system in India and the Philippines in public administration is that in both countries offer a variety of outsourcing services.
what is the relation between management and administration
politics and governance
capital intensive
management and administration is same they two are a group activity
The difference between management and comparative is that one is about sex and the other is about touching up lovers
Globalization will influence change in comparative management. They are forced to have good customer service and have high quality products.