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The average salory is $8.50 A week.

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Q: What is the average salary for someone with an associates degree in Business Adminstration?
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How is business administration helpful?

Business administration is much important to some one willing to do business or already in business for skills are employed which could ready someone to the success of his business.

What is the purpose of business drivers?

The purpose of business drivers is to allow the company to ensure someone for the sole purpose of operating a vehicle for their business. This protects the company from potential litigation risks.

Careers with BA in business?

When someone has a BA in business, some of the careers that he may end up working in include sales, business development and business administration. a BA in business also lets a person know some operations in human resource management.

What is BUTRUD in the subject of Entrepreneurship?

BUTRUD is short for Business Trial Run Design. I can't figure out what it means, but has something to do with the product of your business. Hope someone can improve this answer.

What is the difference between managers and entrepreneurs?

An entrepreneur is someone who seeks new and original ways of doing something, often used to describe a businessperson who finds a new way of advertising or advancing a new product or the product itself. A manager is someone who organizes the members of a workforce and delegates responsibility to those who can do the job.An entrepreneur starts a business from scratch while a manager just keeps a business running that someone else started. The entrepreneur was the one who risked his or her savings and sometimes also borrowed money to get the business started.

Related questions

Where in NJ can someone buy business insurance?

You can purchase business insurance in New Jersey through companies such as Dickstein Associates Agency, Progressive, or Plymouth Rock. You can find a full listing of business insurance providers in NJ on the Insure Your Company website.

What is a clothes associate?

Someone who associates with clothes.

What is the average salary for a professional carpet cleaner?

It depends if you own the business or work for someone. I own a part time carpet cleaning business and average $200 for a half night of work. It depends if you own the business or work for someone. I own a part time carpet cleaning business and average $200 for a half night of work.

What is the average pay for an accountant?

it depends on who owns the business. if you own your own business you can pay yourself but if it is owned by someone else they pay you!

What is someone you work called?

associates, co-worker, acquaintances

Can you apply for letters of adminstration after someone already has applied?

You can make the application. If there is conflict, the court may appoint a neutral third party to serve as executor.

What job opportunites are there for someone with an Associates degree in communications?

A pharmaceutical sales position.

How much money does a Associates degree in marketing earn average after graduation?

How much someone with this degree earns depends on what type of job they are able to get after graduation. Marketing positions do not always require degrees and average around 40,000 dollars per year to start.

Anual Salary with Bachelor in business Administration.?

The average annual salary of someone with a degree in Bachelor in Business Administration is $67,500. It may vary depending on experience, company, and work location.

What do you call someone who works for a person or business?

someone who works for a business

What is the difference between a friend and an associate?

Companies, such as law firms, have a structure with partners and associates. The partners actually own a part of the company, and the associates work for them.

Why would an enpolyer need someone with written communication skills?

If the position involves communicating with stakeholders, whether they be customers, suppliers or other important business associates, it is important that the employee be able to communicate in writing using suitably professional language.