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Administrators is a group of administrator administrator is a user ans cab be a part of administrators group

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Leanna Walker

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Q: What is difference between administrators and administration?
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What is the Difference between Bachelor of Science in business admin and bachelor of business admin?

what is the difference between bachelor of science in business administration and bachelor of business administration.

What is the difference between Public admimistration from business administration and public management?

The difference between public administration and business administration is that the study of the latter focuses on for-profit, private sector management while the former is the study of non-profit and government management. The term "public management" might be viewed as analogous to "public administration".public administraion means to administor the government organizations and private administration means to administor the private sector organization inother words it also called business administration.

Business administration NVQ level 3 knowledge questions?

These would be available on the study guide. You can get these from your professor or from the administrators of the test.

With examples differentiate between Administration and Management?

The difference between administration and management is in what each does. Administration deals with implementing policies and procedures into place. Management sees to it that these policies and procedures are carried out. An example would be, administration deciding that casual Friday would no longer be allowed. Management would pass on this information to employees and see to it that everyone follows the new rules.

What are the relation between management and administration?

what is the relation between management and administration

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What is the difference between administrator and administrators?

Administrators is a group of administrator administrator is a user ans cab be a part of administrators group

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What is the difference between health management and health administration?

there isn't really a difference

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probate involves a will while LA does not

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What is difference between public administration and business administration

What is the difference between public administration and health administration?

The differences between Public Health and Public Administration is that public health administration is tailored towards professions in the medical areas such as hospitals, clinics, nursery homes, and therapy.

What is the difference between a Ph.D in public administration and doctor of public administration?

Once you complete a PhD you become a Doctor of that subject.

What is the important difference between public and private administration?

Public is the opposite of private.

The difference between private and public administration?

Public is open, private is closed.