crop production will be managed by the farmers or owners in this way that harvesting system,irrigation sysytem properly work anf if yhere any hudle government should provide credits.
the difference between production management and operation management?
Production is the producing of a single item such as beef production is the production of beef. Production management is managing what is being produced and when it goes for market.
decison making in production management
Production management refers to a type of management relating to product production. In this management, control is over everything from scheduling to performance, cost, waste requirements and quality of the products.
The study of crop production is called agronomy. Agronomy involves understanding plant genetics, soil management, crop rotation, and other factors that affect crop growth and yield.
the major group of activities for improving crop yields can be classified as : .crop variety improvement .crop production improvement .crop protection management
an agronomist
What are the problem of tree crop production in Nigeria
Agronomy is the science and practice of soil management and crop production to increase agricultural productivity and sustainability. It involves studying ways to improve soil health, crop growth, and overall farming efficiency.
it means what is the crop in the cereals production education
crop production will be managed by the farmers or owners in this way that harvesting system,irrigation sysytem properly work anf if yhere any hudle government should provide credits.
it means what is the crop in the cereals production education
British Crop Production Council was created in 1967.
It is the science of soil management, the cultivation of land and crop production. This will include irrigation, pesticides and herbicides. Rather like farming.
Climate has a significant impact on field crop production. Drought and flood are the most significant events that effect crop production. Hail storms and severe wind events also effect crop production.
An agronomist studies plant genetics, soil management, crop production techniques, and the interactions between plants and their environment. They work to improve agricultural practices to optimize crop yields, protect natural resources, and sustainably meet food production demands.