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Every business not matter how big or small should each year create a budget to run their business. Each department then will be allocated their share and expected to use that budget and NOT exceed it. There are time when despite your best endeavours the budget is just not enough and a re-budget is put in place . That is not done except in exceptional situations.

Each person responsible for maintaining the control of the budget has to monitor these spending very carefully. If someone is not managing the spending or is spending their budgets on things that are not part of the business requirement etc then this is mismanagement.

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Q: What is budget mismanagement?
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Every business not matter how big or small should each year create a budget to run their business. Each department then will be allocated their share and expected to use that budget and NOT exceed it. There are time when despite your best endeavours the budget is just not enough and a re-budget is put in place . That is not done except in exceptional situations. Each person responsible for maintaining the control of the budget has to monitor these spending very carefully. If someone is not managing the spending or is spending their budgets on things that are not part of the business requirement etc then this is mismanagement.

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Dumping of toxic waste is not a common cause of soil mismanagement, as it often involves intentional illegal activities that are not typical of everyday agricultural or land management practices. Common causes of soil mismanagement include overgrazing, deforestation, improper irrigation practices, and excessive use of chemical fertilizers.

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Possibly. It can be caused by overpopulation and mismanagement of agriculture.

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In 1921, Lynn J. Frazier, Governor of North Dakota, was recalled during a dispute about state-owned industries, and in 2003, Governor Gray Davis of California was recalled over mismanagement of the state budget.

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Unbalanced budgets can occur due to overspending, decreased revenue, economic downturns, or mismanagement of funds. This can lead to deficits, debt accumulation, and financial instability for individuals, businesses, or governments. Balancing budgets requires careful planning, prioritizing spending, and increasing revenue to cover expenses.

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Antonym of management: 1. mismanagement, disorganization, chaos. 2. workers.

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Fertilizers can lead to soil mismanagement if applied in excess, causing nutrient imbalances, soil acidification, and decreased microbial activity. Pesticides can also contribute to soil mismanagement by killing beneficial soil organisms, leading to a loss of biodiversity and potential soil erosion. Overuse of both fertilizers and pesticides can result in long-term damage to soil health and fertility.