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File-based Data Management Approach is a system of storing information by having a separate program to handle a specific type of file only or directory. This kind of system is being used by large companies with several departments to better manage their information separately. The Oregon Trail totaled 2,000 miles and took six to seven months to travel its complete length. Oregon Trail can be explored by land or even by the sea.

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In traditional FPS that data is stored in a flat file. Each flat file is independent of another flat file. Each file contain data that is processed for one specific function.

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Q: What is a file- based data management approach?
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What are the advantages of a database management approach to the file approach?


File management system advantages and disadvantages?

Some of the advantages are: 1. A file management system will allow user to create and store Meta data. Meta data is data about the files. 2. A file is indexed for faster and easier retrieval. Gives structure to all your info. You will be able to manage all your information much easier. some disadvantages of file management system.:- 1.minimal security of data 2.there is data redundancy cannot generate queries

What are the advantages of a file management system?

Some of the advantages are: 1. A file management system will allow user to create and store Meta data. Meta data is data about the files. 2. A file is indexed for faster and easier retrieval. Gives structure to all your info. You will be able to manage all your information much easier.

Disadvantages of a file management system?

Traditional file management lacks in may ways from DBMS we use today.1) Traditional FPS does not maintain data integrity. 2) Traditional FPS does not maintain data consistency. 3) Traditional FPS does not support and allow to use query .

File organization and management explain?

File organization and management is about organizing your data into a form such that you can retrieve it easily. On a personal computer, you can crete your filing system. On a computer at work, you may have to follow a structure your company uses, or you may have the discretion to organize your files your way.

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What is meant by the file based approach to storing data?


What is a database approach and what is a file-based approach?

A database approach is a method of managing and organizing data using a structured repository that allows for efficient retrieval, storage, and manipulation of information. On the other hand, a file-based approach involves storing data in separate files and organizing them manually, which can result in redundancy, data inconsistency, and limited accessibility compared to a database system.

List and explain features of file based approach?

features of file based approach

What are the advantages of a database management approach to the file approach?


2.what are the advantages of database management approach to the file processing approach Give examples to illustrate your answer?

what are the advantages of database management approach to the file processing approach Give examples to illustrate your answer

What is database approach?

•Database approach: approach whereby a pool of related data is shared by multiple application programs; offers significant advantages over traditional file-based approach

What are the limitations of a file-based approach?

* Separation and isolation of data * Duplication of data * Data dependence * Incompatibility of files * Fixed queries / proliferation of application programs

The Web uses a file-based approach to documents by which a client first fetches a file before it is opened and displayed What is the consequence of this approach for multimedia files?

traditional file based approach

What is the definition of a file based approach?

It is a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find an access.

Describe the main characteristics of the database approach and contrast it with the file-based approach?

The Database Approach has four common characteristics. These are: Self-describing nature, support multiple user view of data, share the data and multiple user transaction processing and insulation between data and data abstraction.

DBMS has replaced the traditional file system?

Yes. Database Management Systems (DBMS) have replaced the traditional file based data storage systems. This is because they are:More powerfulEasier to manangeCan store large volumnes of dataManipulation & fetching of data from a DBMS is many times easier than doing so from a file based data storage systemFaster

What are the limitations ofcovitional approach of managing data?

file base system