

Best Answer

1. All expenditures over $5,000 require executive approval.

2. If shows a test the the data model must take into account before the data sytems release the check. It insure business rules are followed.

1. Product is sold in lots of multiples of 12.

2. Forces data to conform to rules that prevent odd lots or products that may be wasted.

2. Accounts can not be actiavted until Finance approves credit status.

Protects comapny intrests.

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Q: What is a business rule and its purpose in data modeling?
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What are business rule engines used for?

A business rule engine is a form of software that gets rid of one or more business rule(s) in a runtime production environment. The rules may come from legal regulation.

What is a business rule?

A business rule typically defines an action based on a corresponding and completed action. For instance, when an account becomes delinquent in an accounting system a business rule can send an email to the account owner requesting payment. Think of business rules as requiring two key parts: 1. What criteria must be met to qualify for a specific business rule (an account has become delinquent based on the last payment received date in the account system) 2. What action must be taken when the business rule criteria is met (when an account becomes delinquent send an email to the account owner requesting the amount owed) Typically, business rules are very specific in nature and can use a waterfall approach to specify the order in which a series of business rules are executed. When X happens, execute business rule Y, then business rule Z. For a more explicit description of business rules visit: A common definition of a business rule is: "Business rule is a statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business. It is intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the behavior of the business. Individual business rules that describe the same facet of an enterprise are usually arranged into business rulesets. Business rules describe the operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization in achieving its goals." (

Does workflow design really effect the success of a business?

Yes, workflow design normally does have a positive effect on any business. It is a rule of thumb that to have a written business plan in place, complete with workflow design, short-term and long-term goals, will mean that your business can be a success.

In database design what is a business rule?

Very good question! A business rule is just as it states. Lets take a look at a really simple example first; Let say for example a business has a RULE that on its web site when you are filling out a form that the First Name field can only contain 20 characters, that's the rule! In the database you would apply a constraint (some might do this at program level) that permits the First Name field to only contain 20 character. Now business rules typically go MUCH deeper than that. Business rules in an application, or program simply represent constraints or processes that you put in place in order to comply with the rules set out by the business. These rules can be corporate rules or simply limitations, or constraints that yield the appropriat outcome as setup in the scope of work (The technical document that tells you what your program needs to do, how it is to look, how end users are to interact with it, ect). If you need more detail please ask. Jeff

Differentiate between activity and event in project management?

An activity is a sub-set of process. For example, new business process in Insurance industry can comprise of activities such as Application Data Entry, Underwriting, and Policy Issuance. Whereas an event is an occurrence or an outcome which is of significance, and based on which typically, a business rule can be triggered. For a example, an event could be start of an activity, end of an activity, non completion of an activity within a certain timeframe, etc.

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How many years for modeling?

Because there isn't an educational requirement or previous experience to become a model there isn't any hard and fast rule for how many years a person has to do modeling to get into the industry. Many successful models got into the business with zero experience and were trained and groomed by the agency they signed with.

How long do you keep written data?

If you're talking about "document retention", it depends on the type of information contained in the data. As a general rule, however, you should only keep business information for as long as it is required by law, or for some specific business reason.

What is the purpose of the Claire programming language?

Claire is a general-purpose programming language, best suited to application software requiring sophisticated data modeling, rule processing or problem solving. WebClaire adds extensions for fuller integration with the operating system and for programming web applications. Though Claire can be used for complete projects, it is designed to integrate smoothly with C++ or Java: Claire programs may include C++ or Java code, and Claire code may be translated into C++ or Java for use in C++ or Java projects.

What are business rule engines used for?

A business rule engine is a form of software that gets rid of one or more business rule(s) in a runtime production environment. The rules may come from legal regulation.

What was the purpose of The All-India home rule league?

The purpose of the All India home rule league was to help in the development of the sport locally.

What is protocoll?

A set rule for transfer data

Does the empirical rule work for any data set?

No.The empirical rule is a good estimate of the spread of the data given the mean and standard deviation of a data set that follows the normal distribution.If you you have a data set with 10 values, perhaps all 10 the same, you clearly cannot use the empirical rule.

What is a business rule?

A business rule typically defines an action based on a corresponding and completed action. For instance, when an account becomes delinquent in an accounting system a business rule can send an email to the account owner requesting payment. Think of business rules as requiring two key parts: 1. What criteria must be met to qualify for a specific business rule (an account has become delinquent based on the last payment received date in the account system) 2. What action must be taken when the business rule criteria is met (when an account becomes delinquent send an email to the account owner requesting the amount owed) Typically, business rules are very specific in nature and can use a waterfall approach to specify the order in which a series of business rules are executed. When X happens, execute business rule Y, then business rule Z. For a more explicit description of business rules visit: A common definition of a business rule is: "Business rule is a statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business. It is intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the behavior of the business. Individual business rules that describe the same facet of an enterprise are usually arranged into business rulesets. Business rules describe the operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization in achieving its goals." (

What does the rule 80-20 mean in business?

You get 80% of your business from 20% of your customers

What is the purpose for the 2 secound rule?

you answer hurri up

What was the purpose of feudlism?

The purpose was to control lands and large groups of people through authoritarian rule.

What rule applies to data manipulation commands operating on a set of relational rows?

insert & update rule