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Q: What do your subordinates expect from you on the job?
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What your subordinates expect from you on the job?

treat them with respect, provide guidance and vision.

How do regular consultations between managers and their subordinates impact productivity and job satisfaction?

When there are regular consultations between managers and subordinates, the subordinates feel as though the management values and cares about their input. Some problems are also identified early and solved in time.

Can a supervisor be fined for negligence of his subordinates?

Yes, one of the principles of management - delegation - very clearly states that when a supervisor delegates his job to a his sub-ord, has only delegated the job and not the responsibility. Thus by all means a supervisor can be fined for the negligence of his subordinates.

How much do you expect at this job?

I expect $20/hour and not a penny less!!! What job was that again?

What would you expect from your coworkers if you were to get this job?

i expect nothings i happy go there

How do you think your subordinate percieve you?

I would like to believe that my subordinates saw me as competent in my job, fair to all employees (subordinates, coworkers, and even bosses), a human who makes mistakes but is willing to address them appropriately. I believe that they see me as someone that they can respect.

What type of a job a 55 years old man can expect to get?

no job

What do leaders do to objectively assess subordinates?

Leaders may use performance evaluations, feedback from peers or supervisors, and objective metrics to assess subordinates. It's important for leaders to ensure assessment criteria are clear, consistent, and focused on job performance rather than personal biases. Providing constructive feedback and setting performance goals can also help in objectively assessing subordinates.

Why is it important to research more about a job?

Because so then you know what to expect of that certain job.

How does a leader objectively assess subordinates?

to objectively assess subordinates, leaders do the following

What type of salary do you expect in tis job?


Should a manager invite subordinates to a wedding?

* It is wise not to invite 'some' subordinates' lest you hurt others feelings. If you have close friends that are your subordinates then you can invite them to the wedding.