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It is the number of the attribute in the relation

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Q: What do you mean by degree of relation in relational database management system?
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What do you mean by degree of relation in relational data base management system?

The degree of a relation is the number of attributes the relation has in it.The degree of a relation can be zero or more integer. An n-ary relation is a relation in which its degree is n in turn a relation of n attribute(s).

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Relational state is a concept in social psychology that refers to the emotional and psychological connection between individuals in a relationship. It involves the quality of interactions, feelings of closeness, and mutual understanding between people in a relationship. Strong relational states contribute to the overall satisfaction and well-being of individuals in a relationship.

What is the difference between cardinality and degree of relationship in relations in database management?

bal amar

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A bachelor's degree in information systems with a concentration in database administration is necessary when considering the educational requirements for a data management specialist.

how do I get a job with a Database Management System ?

If you mean getting a job as the administrator of a database management system, then you need a degree in a field such as computer science, and likely a bit of work experience, as well.

What kind of computer classes does one need for a computer science degree?

Typical courses include Network Security and Database Management. This varies by degree and school.

What type of degree is required to get a job in data management?

An MIS degree in usually required. Some companies will hire for entry level positions with a microsoft database certificate.

What job opportunities would a company called oracle ofter?

Oracle is an online database management program. To work for them you would probably need to have a degree in programming, or experience in programming code.

What are the disadvantages of normalizing a table in a database?

All databases tend to be normalized to some degree; in fact, a relational database almost must adhere to a minimum of 1NF to be useful. However, the more a database is normalized, the greater the impact of processing time of queries is likely to be. For one thing, higher levels of normalization results in larger numbers of decode tables and the like, requiring more table joins in retrieval queries and more referential integrity overhead.

What is the difference between an management degree and a Business Degree?

a management degree is a business degree. It is just more focused on the one aspect of business and not as generalized.

What degree comes after a bachelors in management degree?

The next degree is the master's degree.

What classes are needed to earn a degree in MIS?

Classes that are required are: Accounting, Economics, Business law, Systems Analysis and Design, Database Programming, Networks Administration, Principles of Management, Technical Writing, and Marketing.