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Control helps in ensuring that all products or services meet the highest standards of quality. Control also ensures that supply or production is relevant to demand.

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Q: What are the roles of control in the management process?
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One characteristic of control process used in management is that it is forward looking. Each level of an organization has control and a control process that is a continuous process linked to planning.

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Management control is the process by which manager influence other members of the organisation to implement the organisation strategies.

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What is meant by management process?

Management process refers to planning and controlling the performance or execution of an activity in an organization. There can be two types of management processes including; process management and project management. Process management deals with the performance and management system. Management process is conducted by the top management of the company. It is the most important process because it gives the control to management over the tasks of the company.

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What are the main activities of management process?

Design, Control, and Improve

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Projects play numerous roles in the strategic management process. Projects can focus on internal activities within a business as well as external customers.

Defferences between process and project management?

The process has no begining and no ending while project management has a life span examples for process is effeciencey, repetitive, roles, experience while project is unique, finite, effectiveness, goals respectivelly.

What are the 3 main activities of process management?

Design, Control, and Improve

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Stages of the strategic management process?

There are five basic stages of the strategic management process. They are foal setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation, and evaluation or control.