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what are roles and responsibility of a HR MANAGER what are roles and responsibility of a HR MANAGER what are roles and responsibility of a HR MANAGER what are roles and responsibility of a HR MANAGER

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Q: What are the roles and responsibilities of Human Resource Manager?
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Explain the process of HR planning?

two main goals of the human resource planning process are the following: • Identify and document project roles, responsibilities for each role, and reporting relationships among the roles. • Develop the staff management plan. Before you can assign the resources to a project, you need to know the resource requirements of the project, which are the main items that you need to plan resources. At the heart of resource planning lays the art of converting activities and activity resource requirements into roles and responsibilities. For example, consider an activity in a project, writing a software program. The program will be written by a programmer, which is a human resource. However, before you even know the name of the programmer, you can work with this programmer as a role whose main responsibility is to write the program, and you can assign a real individual to fill this role later. This approach allows for planning before hiring. The results of your efforts of human resource planning are documented in what is called the human resource plan. It's a document that describes roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships among the roles, and staffing management.

Major skills and functions of managers?

* For an organizations, managers are important, they fulfill many roles and they have different responsibilities. * Manager task of making decision, solving difficult problems, setting goals, planning, strategies and rallying individuals.

What is the difference between general management and operations management?

General Manager: They manage all the portions of all the operations of the business. Administrative services, human resources, operations, policies and procedures and accounts are just some areas where General Managers are directly or indirectly involved. For this reason, General Managers are required in every business and every industry. Looking at human resources, a General Manager has the responsibility of recruiting, training and selecting candidates, with the help of the human resource department of the company. When the human resource department is in charge of recruiting, the General Manager ensures that the quality of organizational training is maintained to a certain level. A General Manager may also participate in evaluating the performance or reviewing the feedback of employees. Another important role of the General Manager is that of a communication link between the management of the company and its staff. Reviewing and monitoring the performance of the employees and directing them to the goals and targets of the company are the jobs of a General Manager. Next let's take a look at Operations Managers. Operations Managers: The roles and responsibility of an Operations Manager are similar to that of a General Manager in many ways. Operations Managers chalk out efficient strategies for the profit and financial growth of the company. An Operations Manager works in tandem with the finance department, human resource department, accounts department and many other such departments within the company. An Operations Manager is responsible for increasing the efficiency of a business's product and services. For this reason, Operations Managers maintain discipline among the employees and motivate them to improve their output. In terms of production, Operations Managers make financial decisions for purchasing items and manage the company's budget. If they find new techniques to improve the performance of the employees, they implement them. Operations Managers deal with the queries and grievances of customers of the company, related to the products and services offered. Difference between Operations Managers and General Managers: While the roles of a General Manager and Operations Manager are similar, their responsibilities differ. A General Manager is responsible for all the aspects of the company, while an Operations Manager is responsible for the aspects of operations and production within the company. General Managers, as the name suggest, have a more general scope of power, while an Operations Manager can do whatever is possible to increase the efficiency of the production machine of the business. Thus, a General Manager is needed in all businesses without exception, while an Operations Manager has a niche in companies that offer products and services.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a duty manager?

A hotel duty manager, also commonly called a hotel manager in the United States, is in charge of a hotel's daily operations. She is required to guarantee optimum guest relations concurrent with managing and supervising departmental managers and staff members. Her job is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that encourages guests to return and to recommend the lodging facilities to others.

In a research and development company without hierarchy how can a manager can manage the workers?

In hierarchy less organisation the conceptually it is no-boss no-subordinate". Therefore question for any one as manager does not arise to manage worker. The challenge in hierarchy-less organisation works on the premise of triple responsibilities and roles: Boss, self and subordinate. Dr.K.S. Gupta

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A personnel manager is often referred to as a human resources manager. These individuals have many roles and responsibilities which include hiring, performing company training, enforcing health requirements, establishing employee guidelines, overseeing exit interviews, and more.

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Explain the process of HR planning?

two main goals of the human resource planning process are the following: • Identify and document project roles, responsibilities for each role, and reporting relationships among the roles. • Develop the staff management plan. Before you can assign the resources to a project, you need to know the resource requirements of the project, which are the main items that you need to plan resources. At the heart of resource planning lays the art of converting activities and activity resource requirements into roles and responsibilities. For example, consider an activity in a project, writing a software program. The program will be written by a programmer, which is a human resource. However, before you even know the name of the programmer, you can work with this programmer as a role whose main responsibility is to write the program, and you can assign a real individual to fill this role later. This approach allows for planning before hiring. The results of your efforts of human resource planning are documented in what is called the human resource plan. It's a document that describes roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships among the roles, and staffing management.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a sales manager in a manufacturing industry?

As a ASM role is revenu generation , Target Achivement.

What are the Roles and responsibilities of an Operation Manager?

In my company hi dasen't do anything just wait to get paid on friday.....

What does having an HR job entail?

A Human Resources generalist, manager, or director plays a wide variety of roles in organizations. Depending on the size of the organization, these HR jobs may have overlapping responsibilities. In larger organizations, the HR generalist, manager, and director have clearly defined, separated roles in HR management. These roles bring progressively more authority and responsibility in the hands of the manager, then the director, and ultimately, the Vice President who may lead several departments including administration.

What is work analysis and design?

Work analysis is the process of determining the tasks, roles, and responsibilities required for a job. Work design involves structuring these elements in a way that optimizes efficiency, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Both are essential components of human resource management to ensure that employees are equipped to perform their roles effectively.

Roles of managers in a business?

A manager in a business sector has to play various roles-as a figure head, as a Liaison,as a leader,as a moderator,as a disseminator,as a spokesperson,as a entrepreneur,as a disturbance handler,as a resource allocator and as a negotiator.

What are the roles and responsibilities of the tourism planning?

The roles and responsibilities of tourism planning are very extensive. One of these responsibilities is to know ever detail of the trip.

What are the main roles and responsibilities of Pope Benedict XVI?

He is now retired and has no roles or responsibilities in the administration of the Church.