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Most important skills that a Project manager must possess are:



Team Management

Negotiation Power

Personal Organization

Risk Management

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saketh varma

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Q: What are the most important skills that a Project Manager should possess?
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Name three soft skills and one hard skill that a project manager should possess?

There are many skills that a project manager should possess. Three soft skills these individuals should have include the ability to influence others, the ability to negotiate, and the ability to delegate. One hard skill that every project manager should have is strategic planning.

When to capitalize project manager?

"Project manager" should be capitalized when it is used as a job title or precedes a name, for example, "Project Manager Smith." It should not be capitalized when used generically, such as "the project manager."

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The responsibilities of a project manager change from company to company, business to business and project to project. But there are few fundamental responsibilities and tasks that every project manager should follow to manage a project. Here is the framework of four key functions in which a project manager involved.PlanningOrganizingLeadingControlling

What knowledge do you think that a project manager should haveregarding HRM?

A project manager should have good inter-personal skills, should be a team player and should be an excellent communicator as far as HRM is concerned.

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Ofcourse line manager

How much authority should be assigned to the project manager?

Authority is usually never assigned to the Project Manager, it is either earned (grabbed) by the Project Manager or it is based on the type of organization (functional, projectized, matrix). Functional: The Project Manager has no or little authority over the resources. Projectized: The Project Manager has almost absolute authority. Matrix: A balance between functional and projectized.

What abilities a person to become a succses Manager?

A Project Manager should have the ability to: *Communicate Effectively, *Supervise Project Staff, *Implement Plans of Action, *Accomplish Project Goals and Objectives, *Prepare Project Reports and *Account for Project Funds.

What are the gaols of Project Manager?

If you meant goals, the project manager should aim to get each of his team achieving correctly and get past each milestone without issue.

Project managers are usually dedicated and cammitted to the project who should be looking over the shoulder of the project manager to make sure that the work is in the interest of the company?

Usually it is either the Program Manager or the PMO

What is a role of a project manager in an NGO?

A project Manager is a person who has complete responsibility for the successful planning and execution of the project. He/She must possess a combination of skills including the ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts, detect penetrating assumptions as well as systematic management skills. Also, assigning the resources the project activities and packages. Managing complete life cylce from planning, executing, controlling to closing phases. Desigining high availibility architecture and limiting services.

What are the attributes of payroll management system?

Employee NumberEmployee NameSalaryTax percent withheldMedical withheldOther deductions withheldDepartment NumberDepartment NameProjects the person is worked on (note there can be more than one project)Project Number (each project should have a number)Name of the project (each project should have a name)Manager of the project (each project is assigned a manager)Hours the employee worked on the project