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causes and unhealthy and an unhygienic condition in the surroundings. which lead to diseases like colera, malaria, chickengunia, and many other water borne diseases

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Q: What are the effects of waste mismanagement?
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Which is not a common cause of soil mismanagement?

Dumping of toxic waste is not a common cause of soil mismanagement, as it often involves intentional illegal activities that are not typical of everyday agricultural or land management practices. Common causes of soil mismanagement include overgrazing, deforestation, improper irrigation practices, and excessive use of chemical fertilizers.

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Begun in 1990, the High Risk Series identifies programs that are vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement.

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Mismanagement, mismanagement and mismanagement .

How does waste effect the environment?

waste effects the environment by it by unsightly and sends off various fumes

What are the effects of proper waste disposal?

Health problems

What are the ecological effects of wasting water?

do not waste water

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Global Warming

What are some effects humans have on the land?

Human and animal waste is full of dangerous bacteria can cause illness waste from hospitals the same waste

What are the bad and good effects of mechanical energy?

mechanical energy good effects: no waste Bad Effects: over use can harm

What are the effects of biodegradable waste?

Biodegradable waste can decompose naturally, releasing nutrients back into the environment. This process helps improve soil fertility, reduce waste going to landfills, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste decomposition. Proper management of biodegradable waste is important to harness these benefits effectively.