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What are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanistic structure

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Q: What are the disadvantages of mechanistic organization structure?
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What is mechanistic approach?

Taking a mechanistic approach to solving a problem involves seeing an organization as a machine and all its members as working parts of the machine. A mechanistic approach can be used when dealing with organizations, economies, and civilizations.

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Advantages are that everything in the virtual world is going to be organized for you. Disadvantages are that it is difficult to organize things in a virtual world.

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Mechanistic structure is a type of business structure. It involves individuals not working together but doing work on a single job.

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Advantages: Clear chain of command Efficient communication Streamlined operations Disadvantages: Limited specialization Slow response to change Overreliance on leadership

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There does not have to be a difference between a tall organization structure and a flat organization structure. These structures can be the same structure.