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Q: What are the characteristics of tactical management?
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Characteristics of production and operations management decisions?

Making decisions that help make business more efficient are part of production and operations management. Other characteristics include conscientious and tactical decisions.

When to use tactical management?

When it is appropriate to use it.

What is tactical management?

The difference between strategy and tactics is that strategy defines "what" is to be done but tactics defines the "how". Tactical management is the use of tactics to implement strategy. This is different from traditional management in that in traditional management there is usually one procedure (standard operating procedure) for getting any action done whereas tactical management allows the manager to select appropriate tactics for best achieving the objective.

Who makes tactical decisions when there is no middle management?

It should be noted that in many "flatter" organizations, where the middle management level has been eliminated, both tactical and operational decisions are made by lower-level management and/or teams of employees.

Nims. Which position is responsible for the direct management of all incident-related tactical activities?

The Operations Section Chief is responsible for the direct management of all incident-related tactical activities. NIMS stands for National Incident Management System.

What are the 2 primary levels of the air force management?

Strategic and Tactical

Who has tactical and operational responsibility for conducting incident management?

incident commander

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"Whatare the characteristics of Management Information System"

Characteristics of management?

management is universal

Who has direct tactical and operational responsibility for conducting incident management?

incident commander

Who has direct tactical operational responsibility for conducting incident management?

incident commander

Direct tactical and operational responsibility for conducting incident management?

Incident Commander