Multiparty sytem- Parties form coalitions to govern, Voters have a wide choice of candidates, and there are many major and minor parties, They ARE NOT dictatorships
The main characteristic of Fayol's Administrative Management was the need for planning when it came to training managers. Another characteristic is that manager's should practice the same materials they are training employees with.
It is essential continually be learning about new technology
The answer is that the recipients make no contribution to current production in return for them.
The answer is that the recipients make no contribution to current production in return for them.
a)don't be selfish,greed,always play sex. b)be clever
What are the Fundamental characteristic of the market system?
A basic characteristic of a command system is that the government owns most economic resources.
someone answer i
ascribed status
One characteristic of a system is that it needs to be composed of a certain set of parts. Each separate component helps form an integrated whole.
Set 0=(denominator of the System Transfer Function), this is the Characteristic Equation of that system. This equation is used to determine the stability of a system and to determine how a controller should be designed to stabilize a system.
they have a propulsion system
Makes a Web
Free enterprise system