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moulid bashir

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2y ago

What are the advantages of direct production to economy?

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Q: What are the advantages of direct production?
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Definition of direct production?

Definition from Financial Times Lexicon: When someone produces all the things they need using their own efforts and skills, without the advantages of specialization (concentrating on producing only one product) or the division of labour (using different people to do different jobs). Direct production is more an economic model than a real production method.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of production systems?

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What are the advantages of batch production?

The advantages of batch production is that it can reduce initial capital outlay. It can be useful for small businesses who cannot afford to run continuous production lines.

Difference between direct cost and direct costing?

Direct cost is that cost which is directly identifiable with production volume while direct costing is the method or process through which direct cost is allocated to production.

What is the differences between Fixed Direct labor with variable direct labor?

Direct labor which do not vary with level of production is fixed direct labor while labor vary with change in production is variable direct labor.

State two advantages of direct rule and three disadvantage of direct rule?

Two advantages 1. Recognition of traditional chief 22

Give the Advantage of production system in Artificial Intelligence?

Advantages of production systems:-

What type of cost is direct labor?

direct labor is direct cost attributable to production of goods.

What budgets are included in a production budget?

The production budget needs to be exploded into budgets for direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.

What are the advantages of job lot production?

The advantages of job production include fulfillment of the customers demands, motivation for the employees, and possible jobs for new workers. A disadvantage of job lot production is the cost.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of production budget?

ADVANTAGES OF PRODUCTION BUDGET:-The following are the advantages of production budget:* Plant and machinary can be utilised to a maximum extent* Labour hours can be utilised to a greater extent*It help to reduce production expenses as there is uniform production*It is enough to maintain minimum stock of goods*Purchase cost budget can be prepared*Production cost budget can be prepared