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Q: Was the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?
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What is the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?

scientific management

Explain what happen during the process to determine the projrct budgt?

Identify 6 hazards (in total)that could jeopradise children's safty .provide 1 strategy for each of in 6identified hazards to minimise or prevent them from occurring .

Meaning of global strategy?

Global strategy as defined in business terms is an organization's strategic guide to globalization. A sound global strategy should address these questions: what must be (versus what is) the extent of market presence in the world's major markets? How to build the necessary global presence? What must be (versus what is) the optimal locations around the world for the various value chain activities? How to run global presence into global competitive advantage? [1] Academic research on global strategy came of age during the 1980s, including work by Michael Porter and Christopher Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal. Among the forces perceived to bring about the globalization of competition were convergence in economic systems and technological change, especially in information technology, that facilitated and required the coordination of a multinational firm's strategy on a worldwide scale. [2] [3] A global strategy may be appropriate in industries where firms are faced with strong pressures for cost reduction but with weak pressures for local responsiveness. Therefore, it allows these firms to sell a standardized product worldwide. However, fixed costs (capital equipment) are substantial. Nevertheless, these firms are able to take advantage of scale economies and experience curve effects, because it is able to mass-produce a standard product which can be exported (providing that demand is greater than the costs involved). Global strategies require firms to tightly coordinate their product and pricing strategies across international markets and locations, and therefore firms that pursue a global strategy are typically highly centralized.[3] Global strategy as defined in business terms is an organization's strategic guide to globalization. A sound global strategy should address these questions: what must be (versus what is) the extent of market presence in the world's major markets? How to build the necessary global presence? What must be (versus what is) the optimal locations around the world for the various value chain activities? How to run global presence into global competitive advantage? [1] Academic research on global strategy came of age during the 1980s, including work by Michael Porter and Christopher Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal. Among the forces perceived to bring about the globalization of competition were convergence in economic systems and technological change, especially in information technology, that facilitated and required the coordination of a multinational firm's strategy on a worldwide scale. [2] [3] A global strategy may be appropriate in industries where firms are faced with strong pressures for cost reduction but with weak pressures for local responsiveness. Therefore, it allows these firms to sell a standardized product worldwide. However, fixed costs (capital equipment) are substantial. Nevertheless, these firms are able to take advantage of scale economies and experience curve effects, because it is able to mass-produce a standard product which can be exported (providing that demand is greater than the costs involved). Global strategies require firms to tightly coordinate their product and pricing strategies across international markets and locations, and therefore firms that pursue a global strategy are typically highly centralized.[3]

Incident Action Plan does?

Incident Action Plan: An oral or written plan containing general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident. It may include the identification of operational resources and assignments. It may also include attachments that provide direction and important information for management of the incident during one or more operational periods.

How employees participation helps to improve productivity of the organization at all level?

The concept of employees participation originated in Japan during the years in which TQM was introduced. The essence of ensuring employees' participation lies in the belief that apart from performing physical work, employees at all levels can contribute to the organization by sharing their experience and ideas. This is sharp contrast to the Western Concept of top down management in which the employees at the lower levels are expected to only follow orders issued from the top. An effective TQM effort will require the participation of every person in an organization. Though the worth of an individual has been grossly under estimated, organizations which have implemented TQM have benefited by creating an environment in which individuals have contributed to the organizations success. There are several methods to harness the potential of every person. Quality circles, employee suggestion schemes, employee education and training, and recognition are essential elements in ensuring employee participation. Continuous communication between employees and management through regular meetings, in-house journals, bulletin boards and news letters is essential for ensuring participation of all employees. No TQM effort can be effective without employees' contribution to improving products and processes. Employee participation also ensures high morale, productivity and increased customer and employee satisfaction. In organizations implementing TQM, employee involvement is ensured through TPM, 5S activities, quality circles and suggestion schemes.

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Was the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s.?

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What is the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?

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