Describe the relationship between the purchasing and production of a manufacturing company
Both human resources and purchasing are departments that spend money in order to provide resources to a business, but one spends money on people, and the other spends money on supplies.
A relationship is an association between the instances of one or more entity types. For example, a student may be related to a class by being enrolled in that class. Another example is the link between mother and children. One mother may have many children, but each child has only one mother.A relationship between entities is given a relevant name. For example, there is a relationship between MANAGER and DEPARTMENT. A manager manages the department; on the other hand a department is managed by a manager. This leads to a relationship called "Manages" between MANAGER and DEPARTMENT.Similarly, there is a relationship between AUTHOR and the BOOK. An author writes a book; on the other hand a Book is written by an Author. This leads to a relationship called "Writes" between AUTHOR and BOOK
Good relationship will ensure that all communications are done respectfully and on time. It will also ensure that service or product delivery is effective.
Every company depends on a specific amount of materials and supplies to meet the demands of their customers. Individuals working in the he area of materials management must ensure that this amount of product is always readily available. To meet the expectations in their department they must communicate with the purchasing team on how much product should be ordered and when. Working together they can create a plan of how to ensure that these products are ordered in a timely manner that ensures they are always on hand.
Describe the relationship between the purchasing and production of a manufacturing company
the relation between purchasing and sales the relation between purchasing and finance
the relationship b/w purchasing, marketing and sales
The acquisition of cleaning supplies.
The answer is that marketing and purchasing both uses money. and etc. Such as if i buy an outfit im purchasing something and the marketing department would get benefits.
The purchasing department buys the raw materials used by the production department so there has to be close cooperation between the two. Purchasing must know in advance what the production department will be in need of so that the items can be provided in enough time.
The power of the purchasing department is greatly influenced by the success of the accounts department. Without accounts to produce revenue, the resources needed for the function of the purchasing simply do not exist. In simpler terms: No money=No purchases.
the five relationship between purchasing and marketing
Both human resources and purchasing are departments that spend money in order to provide resources to a business, but one spends money on people, and the other spends money on supplies.
both overseeing the market research both ensures that the is available market for the product both control quality and quantity of the product both plan for production and market schedules